CANARIE's future beyond 2012 is the focus of a policy study to be undertaken by the firm of Hickling Arthurs Low. The study will be funded by CANARIE and Industry Canada and overseen by both organizations. It will focus on options for how the facilitator of next-generation research networks should evolve beyond its current five-year funding period in terms of mandate, funding and organizational models. CANARIE received $120 million in the 2007 Budget and will soon see the arrival of Guy Bujold as its new president (R$, February 8/08). The study will include an examination of international models for the support of advanced research infrastructure for e-science and related activities. Since its creation in 1993, CANARIE has been instrumental in pushing Canada to the forefront of cyberinfrastructure, particularly in the 1990s when it was acknowledged as the fastest research network in the world....
Organizations: | CANARIE, Hickling Arthurs Low, and Industry Canada |