October 17 in Ottawa: Annual Symposium of the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering (PAGSE). Theme: Research: The Key to Canada’s Well-Being. Speakers from the biological and physical sciences will address current approaches to research and trace how ideas developed in the laboratory emerge as new tools/chemical compounds which contribute to improved health and economic well-being. Sponsors include Merck Frosst Canada, the National Research Council and RE$EARCH MONEY. To register, go to www.pagse.org or contact Donna Boag at (613) 991-6369….
October 17 in Ottawa: 10th Annual WB Lewis Lecture — Dr Robin Jeffreys, executive chairman British Energy and chairman Bruce Power Inc. Hosts: PRIME (Univ of Ottawa), CRUISE (Carleton Univ) and Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. FMI: Dr John de la Mothe (613) 562-5800 #4728....
November 19-20 in Montreal: 2001 Innovation Conference: Theme: Investing in Innovation. Presented by Conference Board of Canada and sponsored by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. FMI: www.conferenceboard.ca or call Diane Calagoure at 1-800-267-0666....
Organizations: | November 19-20 in Montreal and October 17 in Ottawa |