Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is investing $43 million in several clean technology projects of which $20 million will be matched by the Province of British Columbia. The investments include $10 million in the Automotive Fuel Cell Corp — a joint venture with Daimler AG and Ford Motor Co to develop new fuel cell modules. Industry and other contributions boost the project’s total value to $88 million. Canfor Pulp Products Inc is receiving $13 million to further develop a technology project to convert waste water into a low-cost bio-fuels product. The biocrude can then be refined by existing refineries into biofuels and biochemical. SDTC is also committing $20 million to support pre-commercialization clean energy projects to help firms at the prototype, field testing and demonstration stages. The BC government is providing $20 million in matching funds.
Organizations: | Automotive Fuel Cell Corp, Canfor Pulp Products Inc, Daimler AG, and Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) |
Topics: | Bio-Fuels and Clean Tech |